Eastside News

Driver hits 2 logging crew members in Sammamish


SAMMAMISH, Wash. — A driver hit two men in Sammamish who were members of logging work crew from Duvall.

The King County Sheriff’s Office said the incident happened in the 2400 block of 244th Avenue Northeast after 7 a.m. Monday.

The workers, who were wearing vests and helmets, were standing on the shoulder of the road doing a pre-work safety check when they were hit.  They were carrying stop signs at the time, but were not yet using them.

One man has serious injuries and was taken to Harborview with a broken arm and internal injuries. The other man was hit in the leg and his injuries were minor.

Coworkers say the two men were working for a logging company clearing trees for a new housing development.

King County sheriff's deputies say the driver stayed at the scene of the crash.

Initially, both directions of 244th were closed, but as of 11:39 a.m., one lane was back open and flaggers were alternating northbound and southbound traffic.