
Attacks on female councilmembers after vote against sports arena location


SEATTLE — It didn't take long for the attacks to fly against the five female councilmembers who voted down vacating Occidental Avenue to make way for a sports arena.




One person, attorney Jason M. Feldman, sent an email to all five women on the council.

Feldman wrote:

"As women, I understand that you spend a lot of your time trying to please others (mostly on your knees) but I can only hope that you each find ways to quickly and painfully end yourselves. Each of you should rot in hell for what you took from me yesterday. I hope you enjoy your thirty pieces of silver and know that I will be make donations to your competitors next election cycle. Please don't misunderstand me. I TRULY pray for nothing but horrible things for each of you moving forward. You have made this world a worse place by whoring yourselves out to the highest bidder. Please Please Please do the honorable thing and end yourselves. Each of you are disgraceful pieces of trash that deserve nothing but horrible outcomes."

”It struck a nerve with me,” Ben Livingston said,

Livingston filed a complaint with the Washington Bar Association.

“In the case of a licensed attorney, we have given them a privileged position in our legal system. With that comes responsibilities,” Livingston said.

Mayor Ed Murray tweeted, "Deeply disappointed to see some supporters of SODO street vacation lash out w/ misogynistic sexist vitriol toward members of @SeattleCouncil" and "Regardless of how you felt about the proposal, there is no place for this kind of hateful rhetoric."

Chris Hansen also spoke out online. He said “While we may not agree with the Council's vote, misogynistic insults, vile comments and threats are unacceptable and need to stop.”

Former city councilmember Tina Padlodowski says she was subjected to hate as an openly gay women on the council, but even she was surprised by the level of vitriol.

“I think it’s pretty obvious you have someone like Donald Trump who is utilizing hate speech, inciting violence at rallies,” Padlodowski said. “Not enough people are denouncing this.”

Feldman directed KIRO to his first amendment attorney, Marc Randazza. Randazza said Feldman wrote a "caustic" email but nothing that should get him disbarred or disciplined.

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