
Cheers, protests as President Obama raises money for Gov. Inslee


SEATTLE — Jacket off, sleeves rolled up-- Democratic Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama came out ready to rumble for Governor Jay Inslee.

“We've got to reject the politics that pits working Americans against one another. We are stronger together and we got to fight together to give everybody a fair shot,” the president said.

The president was playful when interrupted by activists who want him to ban oil trains.

“I'm sorry, what's going on here?” thetpresident asked with a cupped had to his ear as they shouted, “Mr. President use your authority to ban oil trains now!"

“This is what I love about the Democratic Party: Doesn't matter how much I do, I've always got a bigger to-do list,” Obama laughed.

Now on the Presidentpresident's list, getting Jay Inslee re-elected, Inslee delighted the crowd with an attack on Donald Trump.

“We are not going to turn over this great nation to a willfully ignorant millionaire with a million insecurities,” Democrat Inslee said, pointedly refusing to accept Trump’s claim to be a billionaire

Bill Bryant, Republican candidate for governor, sees a not--so-positive message in the president's visit.

“For the president to come out to Washington state means they realize Jay Inslee is in trouble,” Bryant said.

Bryant won’t say whether he is endorsing Donald Trump, but thinks Inslee is hiding behind the issue.

So far, however, Inslee has raised roughly three times as much money as Bryant.

The President's visit may not mean Jay Inslee is in trouble, but it is certainly designed to keep it that way.