
Eroding bank pushes Washington house into river


An eroding bank pushed a house into water near eastern Washington’s Columbia River – in an area where the season is just beginning for frequent slides and flooding.

Ferry County's soil is unstable after the historically large 2015 wildfire season, and with the mix of heavy rain and snow – residents have already experienced road-closing landslides and flooding. Read a list of current road closures here.

The Ferry County Sheriff’s Office posted the photo of the house that slipped this week into the Sanpoli River, a tributary of the Columbia River.

Washington State Department of Transportation photos show washed out bridges and crumbling roads. Even roads in-tact are creating issues as a Washington State Patrol trooper reported multiple vehicle slid off State Route 20 due to slick road conditions.

A state of emergency has been declared by the Okanogan County commissioners in response to the damage, according to The Omak-Okanogan Chronicle.

WSDOT and local public agencies are working to preserve and repair roadways.