
Greenwood pot shop robbery caught on camera


A pot shop robbery in Greenwood was caught on camera.

The suspects barged into the Have a Heart marijuana shop at about 10:20 p.m. and then tied up two employees before emptying a safe.

Video shows the guard being led in first with a gun to his back.

He and two female employees were put on the floor and their hands zip tied.

The employees gave the robbers a code to unlock a small safe, but the robbers didn't get away with all that much cash.

The shop’s manager said he was at home at the time of the robbery and watched the break-in on surveillance cameras from his house.

He was able to call Seattle police, who were waiting for the robbers when they left the shop carrying large duffel bags.

Officers searched the business and found that the employees had been able to free themselves and run out another door.

The two suspects, ages 36 and 47 were later booked into the King County Jail for investigation of robbery.