
Hospital encourages community to email hurt officer, family


Harborview Medical Center spokeswoman Susan Gregg told reporters in a Friday morning news conference that the officer who was shot has been in critical condition since he arrived to the hospital on Thursday night.

The 61-year-old officer was shot in the back of the head on Thursday night. A shooting suspect and two other people were arrested after an hours-long standoff.




In the hospital’s first news conference since the shooting, Gregg encouraged the community to email support to the officer and his family.

"We have well-wishers in the community," she said. "The public that's hurting [in] the community in Skagit, <strong><a href="http://www.uwmedicine.org/patient-resources/email-patient">you can email a patient</a></strong> and if you put Mount Vernon police officer [in the email], and email it from our website, we deliver those messages. They do get screened, but we'll deliver them to the family … As the patient gets better, they can read them. It gives you a chance to offer support without coming to the hospital, and letting the family do what they need to do," she said.

>> Click here to email the officer.

Reporters asked if the officer would fully recover, but Gregg said the hospital does not speculate. She called the injury a “critical scenario.”

“It’s day by day, we never speculate. We’re a hospital hope. People who come here, we’ve seen some amazing outcomes and results. But I don’t want to speculate, he’s very sick, he’s very critical, it’s day by day. We’ll take it day by day. The family will take it that way, we’ll take it that way. Like I said, we always have hope,” she said.

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