
Lynden couple in D.C. hopes for unity after inauguration


The Butenschoen’s were inspired when Donald Trump filled a huge rally in Lynden, Washington. Now they are in Washington D.C. to celebrate his victory and do some sightseeing.
“They have made the planes and welded the tanks and riveted the ships and rolled the shells. President Franklin D. Roosevelt,” Ashley Butenschoen read from an inscription on the World War II memorial.
Her husband, Chad, served during the Iraq War.
“They labeled out 500,000 Americans died in World War II. In your day-to-day life, you forget so many of those things,” he said.
That's one of the reasons they believe Trump is the right person to lead the country now.
“I'm most excited about what he can do for Americans, for our country, making it safer, making it so we're more united as a country,” Ashley Butenschoen said.
The banners are up for Thursday's victory concerts, but they know thousands of protestors are also on the way.
“I would say peaceful protest is fine. Remembering to honor and respect those around you and respecting the cause that you're there for because no one is going to remember why you are there if you are disruptive and causing riots in the streets,” she said.
They said one of the hardest things about the trip was finding someone to look after the four children back home. Relatives are doing the job.
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