SEATTLE — Drivers could see more traffic in Fremont Tuesday as Amazon holds its Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
The meeting starts at 9 a.m. at Fremont Studios on North 35th Street near Phinney Avenue North.
Pilots for Amazon's Prime Air will demonstrate outside the meeting. They held a similar protest in December.
The pilots fly for Atlas Air, and their union says the company is not competitive with compensation and that's causing pilots to leave.
They're hoping Amazon will pressure Atlas to makes changes in order to retain staff.
There are three other protests and rallies planned outside the meeting as well.
Mercy For Animals says Amazon shareholders will be confronted with graphic images of animal abuse obtained during an undercover investigation at an Amazon foie gras supplier. The group will also introduce a shareholder proposal asking the company take stronger action on sustainability.
Another group is asking Amazon to cut ties with sponsor Breitbart News. A coalition of progressive organizations will deliver more than 1.2 million signatures urging the company to cut ties with Breitbart as a plane flies over the shareholder meeting with a banner reading "AMAZON STOP FUNDING HATE. DROP BREITBART."
At the same time, SEIU6 plus a coalition of labor, community, and faith groups will hold a “People's Shareholder Meeting” to urge Amazon to “help ensure a just and sustainable future for all. Speakers at that group include Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant.
Cox Media Group