
Navy sends apology letter to school after aircraft drew penis in sky over Washington

Leaders with the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island claim one of their aircrafts were involved with phallic matter across central Washington skies in November.

Twitter users in Okanogan County posted photos of the sky drawings depicting male genitalia.

While many online found it humorous, some families in the Omak area were upset over the images that they may have to explain to young children.

That's why The U.S. Navy sent a letter of apology to the superintendent of Okanagan School District.

“The U.S. Navy owes you, your parents, and your students an apology for the unacceptable, obscene contrails that were created by one of my aircraft on November 16,” said the letter from Vice Admiral Mike Shoemaker, commander of the Naval Air Forces.

“I impressed upon them that this immature act was counter to our culture which values treating everyone with dignity and respect."

Shoemaker wrote that crew members have been held accountable.

Taryn Thomas was one of the people in Omak who looked up to see a Navy EA-18G Growler doing a bit of skywriting. At first, he thought the pilot was doing figure eights.

But the pilot didn't stop there.

"Once he tied that figure eight together he shot straight up and made it into his creation," Thomas told KIRO 7.

The pilot's creation looked like a penis in the sky, and many people saw it and posted photos online.

"My neighbor was outside and I yelled at him, 'Hey man, what does that look like to you?" Thomas said.

Thomas' video had 2.1 million views.

"I know some people can be pissed. It's our tax dollars being burned up there. I don't have too many thoughts on it. It's just funny to me, just a little joke," Thomas said.

KIRO 7 asked for an interview with commanders in November at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.

Instead, officials sent a statement also from Shoemaker.

"Sophomoric and immature antics of a sexual nature have no place in Naval aviation today. We will investigate this incident to get all the facts and act accordingly."

"The American people rightfully expect that those who wear the Wings of Gold exhibit a level of maturity commensurate with the missions and aircraft with which they've been entrusted.  Naval aviation continually strives to foster an environment of dignity and respect. Sophomoric and immature antics of a sexual nature have no place in Naval aviation today. We will investigate this incident to get all the facts and act accordingly. This event clearly stands in stark contrast to the way our aviators and Sailors are performing with utmost professionalism, discipline and excellence from our carrier flight decks and expeditionary airfields around the world today."

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