
Drunken woman with lighter causes disturbance on Sea-Tac flight, airline says


SEATAC, Wash. — A woman with a lighter caused a disturbance on a flight from Anchorage as it was approaching Sea-Tac Airport Thursday morning, according to Alaska Airlines.

Passengers and the airline said a woman kept trying to flick a lighter on to use it as a light source even when flight attendants asked her to stop. While lighters are allowed on flights, passengers are not allowed to light them.

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Port of Seattle spokesman Perry Cooper said the woman never actually got her lighter to light -- it just sparked.

An Alaska Airlines spokesperson said the woman, who is believed to have brought her own alcohol onboard the plane, was heading to Orlando but was not able to take the final flight to the city because she was intoxicated.

The incident caused a commotion, but no one was hurt.

The flight landed safely at Sea-Tac.

The woman was escorted off the plane by officers. She was questioned and then released.

The airline said she won't face charges.

Cooper called what the woman did poor judgment and not a crime.