
Tens of thousands march in Seattle for women: Highlights and video


Tens of thousands attended the women’s march in Seattle today that left from Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill and ended with a rally at Seattle Center.

More than 100,000 people were estimated to have attended last year's march, a day after Donald Trump's inauguration as president.

Find real-time updates and video highlights at this link or embedded below.

Women's marches and demonstrations are planned across the nation this weekend.

New this year in Seattle is a day of "action events" on Sunday, Jan. 21, hosted by Seattle Womxn Marching Forward. Events include discussions and workshops on healthcare, education, housing, voter registration and other topics as well as a film screening, book launch and potluck.  Find the full schedule of events across Seattle here. Women's March 2.0 supports women's rights, civil rights, racial equity and a number of other causes, according to the Facebook page for the event.

See a map of the march route below.

Participants were encouraged to use Seattle's light rail system to get to Cal Anderson Park, which is close to the Capitol Hill Light Rail Station.  Sound Transit said it would operate extra light rail trains to accommodate the crowds.

Metro buses operated on a normal Saturday schedule and had additional buses as needed on routes 8, 41, 44, 101, 150, 255, RapidRide C, D, and E Lines. Sound Transit Express Routes 512, 550 and 554 also operated with extra service, and additional buses for Pierce County riders were available as needed.

More information on bus service during the march can be found at Sound Transit's rider alerts page and Metro's Service Advisories page.