
Seahawks fans react to team's protest during national anthem


SEATTLE — The National Anthem Controversy is polarizing football fans, and even has The Twelves divided.
KIRO7 talked with Seahawks fans – some say they of course support the decision of their team. But the Seahawks deciding to stay in the locker room for the anthem Sunday has some fans very upset. Some even say they plan to stop watching all together.

Seattle native Eric Petersen says he backs his team. “I think at the end of the day if you have an opinion you want to make a statement about, that's the whole point of the first amendment,” Petersen said.

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But many other fans disagree. Thousands of you commented on our KIRO7 Facebook post. Some Hawks fan are saying they’re done with the team – one posted this picture, saying "I'm out.”




Brina Sanft calls herself a huge Seahawks fan. She also worked on Trump’s election campaign.

“I love the Seahawks, I love this team, I love the owner,” Sanft said over the phone.

She says it was tough seeing her team refuse to come on field.

“I'm hurt, I'm hurt - I believe that two wrongs don't make a right. It made me very sad today,” she said. “Everybody should have a right to express themselves, but at the same time, show respect to our country, our flag, our armed forces, please,” she said.

The president is calling for football fans to boycott the teams that protested and many have decided to take that step.

Twitter user @DesireeSeattle Tweeted to KIRO7 saying “I’m done being a Hawks fan after they failed to honor our nation today..”




One veteran wrote on the KIRO7 Facebook page, saying he fought for America and sees the Seahawks staying in the locker room during the anthem as directly disrespecting the flag.




Though Brina, is upset with her team right now, she says she won't listen to the president's call to boycott.

“Obviously not, give me a break. That’s what I’d say to him (the president)” she said with a laugh. “Go Seahawks!”

The Seahawks said its decision Sunday was just for Sunday and it remains to be seen what the team does during the anthem at its home game against Indianapolis next week.