
Silvana sees flooding on Thanksgiving Eve


SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash. — On the eve of Thanksgiving the small community of Silvana was stuck because of flooding. Many routes to the Snohomish County town were under water. It’s water that came rushing through in the afternoon - disabling the town and stunning residents and businesses who were getting ready for the holiday.

KIRO 7 was on the scene when the flood waters started to rise Wednesday. Our crew took a back way into Silvana after it was cut off at numerous roadways leading into town. Some residents estimated that a five-minute drive into Silvana took anywhere from 25 to 30 minutes.

Pioneer Highway in Silvana was still covered in water late in the evening Wednesday, water was close to businesses and one resident said there was easily two feet of water on the roadway through town when the flooding was at its peak.

On the outskirts of Silvana emergency services from Snohomish County aided in the rescue of a stranded car at about 6 p.m. Wednesday. Kyle Waterman says his wife was in a car and drove too far into the flood waters on 212th Street Northeast near Silvana.

Her car got stuck. She was pulled to safety but Waterman chuckled when asked if he thought she might try to get out on her own, “Karma right, if you got there, you might get wet? She wasn't in any danger when I talked to her, it was more just ...the embarrassment, the sorry.”

Waterman says he’s thankful that his wife was rescued and even more thankful to the good Samaritan who had a winch and was able to pull out his wife’s vehicle. “I already got his number when he pulled through, definitely going to treat him to some cold ones… biggest thing is everyone is taken care of before Thanksgiving.”

Pioneer Highway and 212th Street Northeast were just two of many roads leading in and out of Silvana that were flooded. Leif Sesby and Christian Harris were trying to get down both of those roads when Sesby realized it would be impossible. “We just saw it (Pioneer Highway) about an hour ago tried to drive through it, it got up past my door so we turned back...”

Standing and surveying the flood waters on Pioneer Highway, KIRO 7 cameras saw several homes surrounded by water. At one home sheep huddled on a dry patch to avoid the flood waters. Harris said one of his friends tried to test the flooding on Pioneer Highway with a Honda Civic, a car not equipped for the high water. “He didn't make it through and he left it... it wasn't worth it anymore, pretty sure he called insurance and left...it's out there somewhere.”

Josh Massengale took back roads to get out of Silvana and then made his way back into town after 8 p.m. on roads far less traveled than his usual direction. “Alternative routes, yes!” He said getting in and out was not easy. He lives in Silvana and says the town only stretches about a quarter mile in length and all of that quarter mile was under water Wednesday.

“I kind of want to get in my boat and go out and have some fun or something? This is like the biggest thing that happens around here.”

A Snohomish County fire training facility in Silvana was still surrounded by water at 11 p.m. Wednesday. Silvana Meats on Pioneer Highway had to shut down Wednesday because of the floods – the business does advance orders for turkeys, ham, and other meats for the holiday. People couldn’t pick up their orders so Silvana Meats is going to have to open extra early tomorrow (4 a.m.) so people can still get their holiday supplies.

At least one fire official who spoke to KIRO 7 did expect that some residual flooding could persist into Thanksgiving Day.