
Sound Transit releases timeline for light rail

Sound Transit leaders formally kicked off the $54 billion project Thursday afternoon, one of the largest transit measure ever approved by voters.

The timelines were released and show how nearly 20 light rail projects will be underway at the same time later this year.

"In order to deliver a program of this scope, we need to implement real change, change internal to Sound Transit and encourage change external to Sound Transit," said CEO Peter Rogoff.

The entire project will be completed in 25 years.

Sound Transit says it will streamline efforts and not explore as many different routes. It will need to work with closely with cities on permitting.

Redmond Mayor John Marchione says his city chose the route in 2004, 13 years ago, and made light rail a permitted use for the property, and so Redmond will get lightrail four years earlier than it would have otherwise.

"What we did to speed up permitting is to zone our route for light rail. That's a big advantage, instead of using conditional use permits, which have all kinds of negotiations surrounding them," said Redmond Mayor John Marchione. "In 2024, you can get from Redmond to the airport on light rail."

The Overlake Transit Park and Ride will close on Monday so the construction of Redmond Technology Center light rail station can begin.

It will open in 2024.