
Two Bremerton Police Officers Shot and Injured, Suspect Killed


BREMERTON,Wash. — Two Bremerton PD Officers are hospitalized with gunshot wounds after a 53 year old Bremerton man fired numerous shots at the officers.  The officers returned fire and the suspect has been declared deceased at the scene.

Preliminary information indicates that the incident started when officers attempted to contact a man at 1:16 AM in a parking lot in Lions Park near Lebo Avenue and Hefner.  The suspect was in an SUV and was believed to have violated a court-issued domestic violence protection order.  Two officers approached the man while he was in the front driver’s seat.

Initial reports are that the man immediately began firing numerous shots directly at both officers.  One officer was struck with at least two rounds in the abdomen and the other officer was struck in the waist.  Officers returned fire and the suspect was killed.  The call of shots fired was given to the dispatch center at 1:20 AM.

Both officers are at Harrison Hospital, and there is no condition being released on either at this time.

The Kitsap Critical Incident Response Team (KCIRT) has been activated, in which area agencies respond to conduct a comprehensive and objective investigation of the incident.  The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office and Washington State Patrol will be leading the investigation, assisted by Poulsbo, Bainbridge Island, and Port Orchard Police Departments.

Further information will be released as soon as it becomes available.

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