
New housing trend has Seattleites moving to Tacoma


There’s a way to live in the big city and pay a lot less. There’s a micro-trend in the local housing industry that’s giving people the opportunity to own a home for what they’re probably paying in rent right now.

A local realtor is even changing her business model to cater to the young, creative people who are making the move from Seattle to Tacoma.

“We're all at the office just like hair on fire. Nobody's taking days off. We're selling houses all the time,” said Marguerite Guigere.

How feasible is it really, if you work in Seattle? People who made the move said it’s easier than you think.

The commute from Tacoma to downtown Seattle by bus: 40 minutes. By rail: it’s about an hour and in exchange for that commute, a home of your own.

“We moved from a tiny little apartment, one bedroom, to a three bedroom, two bathroom, corner lot, fenced-in, and a two car garage,” said Stell Newsome.

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