South Sound News

911 service restored in Snoqualmie Pass area after outage

Officials with the the Kittitas County Sheriff's Office say 911 service has been restored in the Snoqualmie Pass area Monday night.

Service was restored at about 10:45 p.m.

The Sheriff's Office were telling people to call Kittcom directly at 1-800-622-9924 or 509-925-8534 for emergency services.

Sgt. Ryan Abbott of the King County Sheriff's Office told KIRO 7 that their communication center said they have an email about lines accidentally being cut.

A CenturyLink official said there was a truck that took out a fiber line east of North Bend, which took out voice and landlines, as well as 911 to 650 customers.

There is no estimated restoration time and crews are on site.

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