South Sound News

Seattle Satanists are coming to Tacoma


TACOMA, Wash. — The Seattle Satanic Temple says they've chosen Point Defiance elementary in Tacoma as a site for their after school clubs over other schools because it's closer to their headquarters.

“It’s a closer school district than Puyallup or Mt. Vernon to us,” said temple chapter head Lilith Starr. “We want to make sure can get there and it’s somewhat local.”

Starr says the after school clubs the temple has proposed in several school districts are in response to Good News Clubs, sponsored by Christian organizations. Christian clubs and other organizations often use school property for after school meetings because they're public property.

Although she says the Satanic temple won't be teaching kids about Satanism, but science and rationalism.

“We’re not here to teach kids to worship Satan or be Satanists, we not here to proselytize.”

The Satanic temple let Tacoma schools know they were interested in using Point Defiance school on Tuesday.

“This group intends to file an application to run an after school program, and they were asking what the process was, so we’re following up on that,” said Tacoma Schools spokesman Dan Voelpel.

Some parents who spoke to KIRO 7 said they don't think the Satanists have a place at Point Defiance elementary.

“I don’t think I would allow it,” said Angela Watkins. “It doesn’t make me really happy.”

“I don’t like religion in schools,” added Tammy Parrish. I don’t think it belongs there. Muslim, Christian, Satanic, it doesn’t matter what it is, it doesn’t belong in school.”

Jennifer Howse agreed. “I don’t think either [Satanic or Christian] should be in school just because elementary kids are really young and impressionable.”

The Satanic Temple’s application will be reviewed by Tacoma Schools once it’s submitted. So far there is no timeline for meetings at Point Defiance elementary.