
American Airlines ticket agent stops 2 girls from meeting alleged trafficker


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Some fast thinking by an airline ticketing agent prevented two underage girls from boarding a cross-country flight to meet a man who promised them modeling and entertainment jobs, KTRK reported.

Denise Miracle, who works for American Airlines, said she became suspicious when two girls, ages 17 and 15, approached the ticket counter at Sacramento International Airport.

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Neither girl was accompanied by an adult, and neither had identification, KTRK reported. Miracle then discovered that the girls’ tickets were paid for with a fraudulent credit card. She called Sacramento County Sheriff's deputies, who discovered that the ticket had been given to the girls from a man they met on Instagram who went by “Drey,” KTRK reported.

The man allegedly told the girls, who went to the airport without their parents’ knowledge, they could earn $2,000 by modeling and performing in music videos. Deputies said the girls were shocked when they learned the tickets were only for one-way flights. The girls were reunited with their parents, KTRK reported. Deputies said the girls likely would have been victims of human trafficking had they gone through with the flight. There is no word on whether “Drey” has been caught by officials, or what charges he might face, KTRK reported.