
Bellingham ranks as #4 most hungover city in US, report finds


New Year's Eve is one of the most popular nights of the year to go out, and many people choose to fill their nights with merriment and alcohol.

Seven states boast the country's most hungover cities, according to a new report by Trulia.

Trulia, an online residential real estate site, ranked the 150 largest U.S. cities based on the number of drinking establishments, firecracker stores, party supply stores and party equipment rental stores per household. The company then looked at the share of adults aged 18-34 and the share of adults who say they've had at least one binge drinking incident within a month of the survey.

Using that data, each city was then ranked, with San Francisco coming in as the No. 1 most hungover city in the country.

Rounding out the top 10 are San Diego (No. 2), Austin (No. 3), Bellingham, Washington (No. 4), Charleston (No. 5), Boston (No. 6), Honolulu (No. 7), New Orleans (No. 8), El Paso (No. 9) and San Antonio (No. 10).

Hangovers cost Americans $148 million per year due to missed work and poor job performance, according to the report.

Read more at Trulia.

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