
Brothers pay tribute to Parkland victims in 1,000-mile journey


Two brothers are making a 1,000-mile journey from Parkland to the nation’s capitol to raise awareness about gun safety and they made a stop on the way in Jacksonville Saturday afternoon.

Isaiah and Jeremiah Godby are paying tribute to the victims of the Parkland shooting massacre one step at a time.

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The Sacramento brothers flew to South Florida two weeks ago and headed to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to see the site of the shooting that left 17 people dead on Valentines Day.

"We had to be out there for the victims and families," Jeremiah Godby said.

Walking and running an average of 50 miles a day, the Godbys are 340 miles into their 1,000-mile journey to Washington, D.C.

Their plan is to join thousands of others at the "March For Our Lives Rally" on March 24. The event calls for stronger gun regulations.

This isn’t the first time the brothers have run to raise awareness. They work together at a naturopathic clinic in Sacramento and have run to champion other causes such as alternative medical care.