They've been wrong in the past and hopefully they're going to be wrong again, but a group that has predicted previous ends of the world has marked today as the day that existence will end.
End Time Prophecies said that the world will come to an end at one point today thanks to a chain reaction caused by a polar flip, Knoxville News Sentinel reported.
What is a polar flip? Is it real?
Scientists at NASA said it does exist. A polar flip has happened many times over the millennia, according to scientists . None of us were alive during the last one - 800,000 years ago. Before that, they happened every 200,000 to 300,000 years.
Basically what happens is the Earth's magnetic pull reverses itself. The North Magnetic Pole goes south, while the South Magnetic Pole goes north thanks to the liquid iron in the Earth's core.
>>Click here to read NASA's full scientific explanation
So are you going to hold off buying your kid's school supplies? You may want to think twice.
End Time Prophecies has made a few predictions this year that haven't come true; for example, a collision between the Earth and a giant asteroid in May.
The group posted its prediction earlier this month warning Earthlings of the end of the world in a 17-minute video on YouTube. A computer-generated female voice backed up the theory with biblical quotes and some special effects, saying that the Earth will crack apart and this will coincide with the second coming of Christ.
The video has been viewed more than 5 million times.
Cox Media Group