
Judge orders electors in Colorado to vote for Hillary Clinton


A Colorado judge ruled Tuesday that the state’s nine Electoral College electors must cast their votes for Hillary Clinton because she won the state’s popular vote.

The ruling came after two electors sued to overturn a state law that requires them to vote for the winner of the state’s popular vote in a presidential election. The two reportedly had planned to join an effort to unite with Republicans behind a compromise candidate for president instead of president-elect Donald Trump.

The judge, Elizabeth Starrs, said in her ruling that if any electors failed to vote for Clinton when the Electoral College convenes on Dec. 19, they would be replaced immediately.

Colorado electors could face up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine if they fail to vote for Clinton.

Two Democratic presidential electors from Washington state have filed a federal lawsuit challenging a law that would fine electors if they disregard the state popular vote in the November presidential election.

Trump won 306 electors in the Nov. 8 General Election and Clinton won 232. Two-hundred and seventy votes are needed to win the presidency.

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