KIRO 7 Community Calendar

June 2020

Habitat for Humanity Beyond the Build Virtual Luncheon

June 3rd

We have all been spending the majority of our time at home, and we now have a deeper understanding of what "home" actually means - and how important it is today more than ever. Many families in King County, who despite their best efforts, do not have that experience. And now, job losses resulting from COVID-19 are further stressing Habitat partner families and those in the application pipeline. For those families who have yet to experience the sense of safety and security for which the rest of us are so grateful, or who now are struggling to pay their mortgages, there is an opportunity to help. Take part in the Habitat for Humanity Beyond the Build Virtual Luncheon, hosted by KIRO 7’s Steve Raible, or consider making a donation to the Habitat SKC Resiliency Fund.

Make-a-Wish Alaska-Washington Virtual Wish Night

June 6th

Make-a-Wish Alaska & Washington’s Wish Night & Auction is going virtual. Take part and help raise the funds needed to provide hope, in the form of a wish, for hundreds of local kids who face critical illness every day. Raid your closet and don your fanciest gown or suit, or simply log on in your comfiest clothes. Watch the livestream event on Facebook or YouTube starting at 6:30 p.m. PDT. You can bid on auction items any time until 9pm PST on Saturday night. Even amidst the toughest challenges, hope, generosity and joy can prevail.

Sound Generations IPAA LunchIN

June 10th at Noon

Every year, Sound Generations hosts the Inspire Positive Aging Awards (IPAA) Luncheon. The IPAA Luncheon celebrates and honors older adults across King County that exemplify positive aging. Due to concerns surrounding COVID-19 and large event gatherings (especially for older individuals, which this event celebrates), this year’s IPAA will go virtual. Hosted by KIRO 7’s Monique Ming Laven, you can join the event online us as we LunchIN for the needs of older adults.

American Lung Association Town Hall: Demystifying Testing for COVID 19

June 10th at 3pm

Learn about the two kinds of tests available for COVID 19; a viral test for a current infection and an antibody test for a prior infection. Our experts explain differences in how states are rolling out testing procedures, discrepancies in who has access to testing and misinformation about what the test results mean. Register to join us live or receive a link to a recording.

American Lung Association LungForce

June 1-30

Held nationwide, LUNG FORCE Walks are the American Lung Association's signature outdoor event series to support and promote lung health. This year’s event has been modified due to Covid-19, so from June 1st - June 30th you are encouraged to head outdoors to one of the many beautiful trails throughout the Puget Sound for your walk. Same mission, just a different place to walk. Join the virtual community by posting your pictures and videos on social media using #LUNGFORCE #ONEBreatheONEFORCE #WalkAgainstCOVID #LUNGFORCESeattle. Register Today!

Together for Pride Weekend

June 26-28

Seattle’s LGBTQIA+ Pride Month is going virtual with three days (June 26-28) of speakers, performances and activities with Gender Justice League, PrideFest, and Seattle Pride for the Together For Pride weekend.

CLICK HERE to stay up to-date on Saturday’s schedule of events featuring a variety of local and national talent, workshops addressing a wide range of topics appealing to all ages, as well as youth activities and a series of trans-themed short films.

CLICK HERE to stay up to-date on Saturday’s schedule of events featuring a 12-hour live-cast including a family hour, queer youth Pride hour, a “preparing for Pride” hour, six hours of PrideFest mainstage programming, including hosts, artists, community features, and non-profit profiles, followed by a three- hour dance party from Uniting Souls. In solidarity with protesters, PrideFest will be centering much of its content on black voices and black artists.

Seattle Pride’s programming will culminate the three days with four program tracks supporting its Many Faces, One Pride focus – Speakers, Activities & Activism, Performance and Q&A/Interactive. The programming will be a mix of live and recorded 20- and 40-minute sessions – as well as brief intermissions between each session and a mid-day lunch break during which attendees will be encouraged to order food from a queer-owned business.

Learn more

JDRF Virtual Dream Gala

June 17-27

For the first tie in the Dream Gala’s 31-year history, JDRF is taking their biggest fundraising event virtual. Join the JDRF Seattle Guild community from the comfort of your home to experience a special celebration, online auction, entertainment, live auction, award presentation, and the all-important Fund-a-Cure. Bid on fantastic items in the online auction beginning June 17th, then join KIRO 7’s Steve Raible and Monique Ming Laven for the exciting Dream Gala Virtual event on June 27th, at 7pm.