8-month-old Sumatran tiger triplets to make debut at Point Defiance Zoo

TACOMA, Wash. — Eight-month-old Sumatran tiger triplets Dari, Indah and Kirana, will make their  grand debut – along with tiger mom Jaya – in the “waterfall exhibit” at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium at 11 a.m. Tuesday.

The exhibit is the largest space for tigers in the Asian Forest Sanctuary area of the zoo. It also houses a large water feature and waterfall.

Zoo-goers will be able to watch the tiger triplets explore and play in the exhibit while mom Jaya watches over them.

The forested exhibit contains an abundance of trees and bamboo strands, making the space optimal for the cubs to exlplore and hide.

The cubs weigh about 100 pounds each, and love to run around and play with each other.

Sumatran tigers are an endangered species.

Only 300 remain in the wild on their native island of Sumatra.

There are about 80 tigers in North American zoos.

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