Crime Law

Lakewood’s mayor behind inaccurate social media post critical of Inslee and coronavirus shutdown


LAKEWOOD, Wash. — Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson admits he’s responsible for an online social media post criticizing enforcement of Washington’s statewide coronavirus shutdown, and blaming Gov. Jay Inslee. But the post makes claims that don’t bear up under fact checking.

The post, that included a picture of Inslee read, on April 17th, “Governor Jay Inslee sent armed agents of the Liquor and Cannabis Board to the Tacoma Country and Gold Club to tell the owners of the property they could not use their own land spaced one person per 4 to 5 acres,” with the quote attributed to Anderson.

The picture of Inslee was captioned, “The real virus in Washington state. Please vaccinate.” Update: after this story was posted on Anderson contacted KIRO 7 to deny that he posted the picture of Inslee calling him “the real virus” but did not disavow the quotes attributed to him.

According to a spokesperson from the Liquor and Cannabis Board that claim is only partially true. An officer was dispatched to the club last Thursday after complaints that owners were not complying with guidelines of the shutdown order, allowing members to golf, and serving food and drinks to go from the restaurant. The spokesperson says the officer advised club owners they were not supposed to be open for golf. No liquor violations were observed and no citation issued.

Signs are now posted at the club telling golfers they could not play golf on the course. Calls to Tacoma Country and Golf Club management were not returned.

Anderson's post also claimed the, “U.S. Coast Guard blocked the Thea Foss waterway [in Tacoma] to enforce his unconstitutional prohibition against individual boaters from taking their boats out,” again attributing it to Inslee, followed by the line, “Social distancing is good. Class warfare and oppression is not.”

A Coast Guard Public Affairs Officer contacted by KIRO 7 says that claim is not true. Adding that the Coast Guard is following guidelines from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advising people not to boat, but that they are not blocking waterways or stopping boaters.

KIRO 7 contacted Anderson about the post and while he admitted putting it online, he declined to be interviewed on the record.