
Green River floods parts of Auburn


AUBURN, Wash. — Swollen rivers led to fields and roads being covered in water and more rain means this danger is not over yet.

The Green River in Auburn experiences flooding most every year.

The weekend’s heavy rains have again caused flooding and problems for area farmers.

"Being vegetable growers, you know dry dirt is everything," said Burr Mosby of Mosby Bros. Farms.

There was hardly a dry spot on farmer Mosby's land Monday. Luckily, he's not farming that field yet.

“It's not like it doesn't happen. Are we happy to see it? No," he said.

Mountain rain poured into his field overnight.  About three feet of water now covers 55 of the 64 acres.

"The only good thing about this is if there's any insects out there, this will be great insect control," said Mosby.

Further down Southeast Green Valley Road, homeowners may have a hard time getting out of their driveway.

Maneuvering around a "water on the road" sign sent drivers into oncoming traffic down the winding road.

Along Auburn Black Diamond Road, what is usually a creek turned into a fast-flowing river.

Emergency Management doesn't expect the flood to get worse.

“We expect some minor flooding," Tim Perciful with Mountainview Fire & Rescue said.

KIRO 7 pointed out a new flooding concern to the Mountainview Fire Department -- large pieces of debris floating down the river.

“Later in the spring, it's stuff like that that's going to get trapped and could actually kill somebody," he said.

The fire department will soon take a boat on the river to look for trouble spots.

Farmer Mosby will open his farmer's market on April 1 and hopes that area will be spared a wet spring.

"Being this early in March, we're way ahead of schedule, so I'd rather have this take place now rather than April," he said.

The Green River is just above flood stage.

It may not come down until late Monday night or Tuesday.