Living room in Carnation murders re-created for jury

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SEATTLE — SEATTLE - A living room where members of a Carnation family were slaughtered was re-created for jurors, including furniture and items from the real crime scene.

Prosecutors say Joseph McEnroe confessed on tape to killing his ex-girlfriend's family of six on Christmas Eve 2007.

On Thursday prosecutors set up the blood-stained furniture from the living room where Scott Anderson, his wife, Erica, and their two children – Olivia, 5, and Nathan, 3, were killed. Prosecutors thought setting up the furniture to scale on a photograph of the blood-stained flooring, was the best way to explain how the murders took place.

The couch, love seat, television with a bullet hole and bloody curtains were included in the re-creation.

Crime scene expert, Ross Gardner, detailed each killing murder. He wore gloves -- the evidence is still a biohazard 7 years later.

"Scott's been shot, he moves to this area, he's going down," Gardner described to the jury.

Defendant Joe McEnroe looked down for much of the testimony, and began to twitch through some of it.

"He's going to shoot one time. That bullet's going to pass through Nathan's head into his mom," Gardner said.

The Disney blanket that 3-year-old Nathan had when he died was on the couch in the re-creation.

McEnroe girlfriend at the time, Michele Anderson, also confessed to killing her family. Both are charged with six counts of aggravated first degree murder. Anderson's trial is set for the fall.

If convicted, McEnroe could face the death penalty. Investigators say the pair was motivated by anger over money. Anderson's parents had asked them to start paying the utilities for the mobile home she shared with McEnroe.

Investigators say the pair killed Wayne and Judy Anderson first, moved their bodies outside, cleaned up, and waited for her brother's family to arrive.

The prosecution finished on Thursday. The defense team starts on Monday.

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