King County to hold recall election for Pacific Mayor Cy Sun

PACIFIC, Wash. — Voters in Pacific will have the chance to vote in a recall election for the city’s mayor on June 25.

“Today, King County Elections verified more than 415 signatures, the minimum number of petition signatures required for the recall election of Cy Sun, mayor of Pacific,” said Sherril Huff, director of King County Elections.

The 415 signatures required for the recall election represents 35 percent of the total votes cast for the candidates in the mayor’s race in the Nov. 2011 election. Citizens submitted the petitions with 590 signatures to the elections department in late April.

King County delivered a letter Thursday to both Cy Sun and the sponsor of the recall petition stating that the requirements for a recall election were met.

Sun is accused of abusing authority and was arrested for interfering with a crime scene.

Sun said he fought the recall drive as a matter of principle as he tried to reform Pacific's politics.

Ballots must be postmarked by June 25 or received in a ballot box by 8 p.m. on Election Day. The final elections results will be certified on July 9.