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Silverdale father chronicles daughter's first day of school for last 13 years


A YouTube video recently posted by a father from Silverdale as a high school graduation present for his daughter has now gone viral.

It shows Kevin Scruggs interviewing his daughter, Madison, on her first day of school every year since she was in kindergarten.

The 3-minute video posted on YouTube just last week has now been viewed more than 150,000 times.

“Really the first day of school became an event. It became a thing we did as a family,” said Kevin Scruggs.

And this wasn't the first time Scruggs has done something like this.

Two years ago, he posted a similar video for his older daughter Mackenzie, who recently just graduated from college.

That video ended up getting over 60 million views on social media.

“Mackenzie’s video went crazy and I didn’t think that mine would go as crazy because hers was already out there,” said Madison Scruggs. “People would think they have seen this before, so yeah it’s been pretty cool.”

Madison will be graduating from Central Kitsap High School on June 15.

Scruggs said it's bittersweet to see this tradition end, but is excited to see what lies ahead for both of his daughters.

"Life is about moments, you get to be in your kids’ lives, “ said Scruggs. ‘You get them for a certain amount of time and you send them out into the world and hopefully to make their mark in the world and make it a better place.”

Follow this link to see Madison's school interview video.

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