
2 1/2-year-old rescued from busy street outside day care


A Federal Way family is looking for a new day care after their 2 1/2-year-old got out through an unsecured gate and made her way into a busy street.

It happened Wednesday at Childtime in the 100 block of S. 312th Street in Federal Way.

According to the little girl's parents, she was out in the play yard at the day care when another child opened the gate.

A few children got outside the gate and were quickly gathered back in, but they say Moyin walked out into the middle of the busy street.

"My heart dropped the entire time. My biggest concern was her life was in danger and had anything gone not as expected she wouldn't be here with us today," said Crishawna Mills, Moyin's mother.  "I'm still in shock and so I would never allow my children to go back to that facility and I hope it's taken extremely serious because she's 2 and to be in the middle of oncoming traffic."

She say t Traffic came to a stop and a driver got out and walked the little girl to the sidewalk.

The day care called Moyine's parents and had them come pick her up, along with her little brother, who was also cared for at Childtime.

The parents say they were told Moyin wasn't welcome back because she got out.

They couldn't believe the blame was being put on a 2 1/2-year-old and say they would never take their children back to Childtime. They think there should be a lock or latch on the gate to prevent children from opening it.

"My child was in the street, a life was endangered," said Gabriel Toyo, Moyin's father, "If the traffic had hit her she wouldn't be here. It would be a different situation. I don't want this to happen to any other child."

Moyin's parents reported the incident to Child Protective Services. They say the director at Childtime told them they also reported the incident to CPS. KIRO-7 checked with CPS and verified there is an open investigation.

Childtime in Federal Way told KIRO-7 it couldn't talk about the incident, it is still investigating.

Childtime's corporate office sent a statement.

"Despite our precautions, a situation arose where three preschool children were briefly separated from the group on the playground.  One of the children was able to unlatch the fence, allowing two other children to also exit. The teachers immediately took action to intercept the children, who were brought safely back to the playground.

The situation is being carefully reviewed, and we’ll take appropriate measures based on the findings to ensure the safety of all our children and staff.  We are also evaluating ways to further reinforce the fence latch. Nothing is more important than our children’s safety. "

Moyin's parents are having trouble finding a new daycare center in Federal Way on such short notice. Childtime is owned by the same parent company as La Petite Academy and the other child care centers they called are full.  They are scrambling to find a new daycare by Tuesday.