ISSAQUAH, Wash. — Two Oregon men have been charged after ramming a stolen truck into a Costco and opening fire on a jewelry case last August, Issaquah police announced.
The robbery happened around 6:30 a.m. on Aug. 2, 2020 at the Costco in Issaquah. Three suspects rammed a stolen truck into the store before opening fire on a jewelry case. The store was closed, but employees were inside at the time.
>> Search for thieves who rammed into Costco, opened fire on jewelry case
The Issaquah Police Department said the three suspects were all armed and drove from Oregon for the robbery.
Between damage to the building, stolen jewelry and loss of business from closing the store, officials estimated a total loss of $800,000.
After a seven month investigation, Joseph E. Jacobs and Abdul Qasim Ray Zahir were arrested and charged. Issaquah police detectives, the Portland Police Bureau and the FBI collaborated to make the arrests.
Jacobs was arrested at a hospital in Portland and Zahir was arrested at a casino in Everett. Both are charged with first-degree robbery with a firearm enhancement and second-degrees unlawful possession of a firearm.
The men are both being held on a $250,000 bail.
The third suspect is still outstanding at the Issaquah Police Department is asking for any relevant information.
Cox Media Group