Randall, MacEwen on to Nov. for District 6, Franz concedes after close race

In District 6, Derek Kilmer is not running for re-election, leaving Democrats splitting endorsements between Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz and State Senator Emily Randall.

Both spent a lot of money on ads. They have similar platforms and different levels of office experience.

Republican State Senator Drew MacEwen is trying to sneak in as a long shot--Democrats have held this seat for 60 years.

The Associated Press named Dem. Emily Randall and Rep. Drew MacEwen as the winners of the primary election and will move on to the general election in November.

After votes started coming Tuesday night, MacEwen said he was moving on to the general election.

Dem. Hilary Franz conceded the race Wednesday.

Leader Dem. Emily Randall did not release an official statement, but did post a photo from ‘Team Emily HQ’ Tuesday night.

Additional in-depth coverage of the races can be found at kiro7.com/politics