
4-year-old boy injured after falling out of 2nd story window in Marysville


A young boy was injured after falling out of a second-story window in Marysville Tuesday, according to the Marysville Fire District.

Paramedics transported the 4-year-old to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

According to medics, the child fell through a window screen to the ground.

Parents are warned that window screens are not strong enough to hold the weight of a child.

Caregivers and parents should be watched closely, as these types of accidents can happen very quickly.

The Marysville Fire District suggests window stops or guards that prevent windows from opening more than 4 inches and moving climbable furniture away from windows.

If a child does fall, call 911 and do not try to move the child.

If you’re a resident of Marysville, parents can request free window stops at outreach@marysvillefiredistrict.org.