911 hang-up calls see major spike in Everett

EVERETT, Wash. — Hang-up calls to 911 in Everett have seen a major rise from year-to-year.

There’s been a 52.7% increase in hang-ups compared to this time last year, according to Everett Police Department crime analysts.

The issue, which can delay legitimate calls for help, is happening across the U.S.

Everett Police offered things you can to do help:

  • If you call 911 by mistake, don’t hang up. Remain on the line and let dispatchers know you are OK. Dispatchers who receive hang-up calls will call back.
  • If you called 911 and did hang up, when you receive a call back from dispatchers, answer the call or police will be dispatched to your address.
  • Deactivated cell phones, if turned on, can still call 911. Parents are asked not to let their kids play with old cell phones unless the battery is removed or no longer works.
  • Teach your kids about 911 and when it is appropriate to call.
  • Turn off the emergency SOS setting if it is not needed, so putting your phone in a cupholder or a pocket won’t accidentally dial 911.

Everett Police have a special note for those with Android phones:

“The latest Android update has been turning on the emergency SOS feature, causing phones to call 911. You can fix the issue by searching for ‘emergency’ in your settings and sliding the bar to the off position.”