
AG Ferguson warns Seattle business to stop selling coronavirus ‘vaccine’


SEATTLE — Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson sent a cease and desist letter to a Seattle-based business who he says has been selling and administering a coronavirus “vaccine.”

Ferguson said the company could face a lawsuit under the state Consumer Protection Act if they continue to make “false of unsupported claims” about their product.

According to Ferguson, Johnny T. Stine, the owner of North Coast Biologics, claimed in a Facebook post to have developed a “vaccine” that made him immune to COVID-19.

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Ferguson said Stine has offered his “vaccine” for $400.

In the cease and desist letter, Ferguson noted that no effective treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 has been identified.

“Consumers should not have to worry about being misled about the health benefits of products that have not been evaluated or established as effective to treat or prevent the virus,” Ferguson said.

Ferguson called on Stine to “immediately stop making misrepresentations about your COVID-19 ‘vaccine.’”

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The state Consumer Protect Act allows for a civil penalty of up to $2,000 per individual violation.

“Remember: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is,” Ferguson said in a news release. “Scammers take advantage of fear and uncertainty to make you go against your better judgment. We will use all of the tools at our disposal to protect consumers during this public health emergency.”

Ferguson gave these tips to help Washington residents avoid becoming a victim of a coronavirus-related scam.