Airline industry leader calls on Boeing to rename the Max

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There's a new call from an industry leader for Boeing to rename the 737 Max, which remains grounded after two crashes.

Monday at a conference in Dublin, Steven Udvar-Hazy, who heads Air Lease Corporation, a company that buys planes and leases them to airlines, said, "We've asked Boeing to get rid of that word Max. I think that word Max should go down in the history books as a bad name for an aircraft."

President Donald Trump was among the first to raise the idea, tweeting last April, "I were Boeing, I would FIX the Boeing 737 MAX, add some additional great features, & REBRAND the plane with a new name. No product has suffered like this one."

“Our immediate focus is the safe return of the Max to service and re-earning the trust of airlines and the traveling public,” a Boeing spokesman responded by email. “We remain open minded to all input from customers and other stakeholders, but have no plans at this time to change the name of the 737 MAX.”