
Alleged drunk driver crashes car into Seattle home


A couple in South Seattle got a rude awakening after a car slammed into their house.

Seattle police says this happened just after 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning.

Firefighters helped remove the car from inside the house, which is located on the corner of Renton Avenue and Bangor Street.

“I’m totally shocked, I can’t believe it. It’s horrible,” said neighbor Will Henderson-Drager.

Police arrested the 31-year-old driver for DUI and booked him into the King County Jail.

“Don’t drink and drive, and man slow down on these streets,” said Henderson-Drager.

Henderson-Drager, who lives next door, came to check on his neighbors. He says he heard a loud noise but never imagined this.

“Just a big rumble and a thud in the middle of the night, wasn’t sure what it was, and my cats and animal were all freaked out, and apparently this happened,” said Henderson-Drager.

The owners talked with KIRO7 off-camera; both were inside sleeping.

The husband said the house has been in the family for generations, and they were in the process of remodeling.

“I’m really glad to hear they’re okay. I know they’ve been working on their house a lot so to see this right now geez, I can’t even imagine,” said Henderson-Drager.

Seattle Fire placed shoring to prevent the house from collapsing.

Firefighters then boarded up the house with plywood that was donated by Home Depot.