
Aqua Sox future still in limbo, committee weighs options to city of Everett

EVERETT, Wash. — The countdown is on for the Everett City Council to vote on the future of where the Aqua Sox will play their home games going forward.

Ever since Major League Baseball changed its facility requirements, the current state of Funko Field isn’t viable for the team to continue to play.

“I think we have the worst stadium in the country when it comes to requirements with MLB requirements,” Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin said during Wednesday’s council meeting.

Everett has 3 options: renovate Funko Field to meet MLB standards, build a new facility in downtown, or do nothing.

“By taking no action, I can 100% guarantee you that we will not have a new partner in the USL and we will lose our beloved Aqua Sox,” Scott Pattison with the committee said.

During that same meeting, the Everett Stadium Fiscal Advisory Committee shared their final findings with the council on what they think is the best move going forward. The committee also shared what each scenario would look like and based on what they gathered, they believe building a new stadium is the way to go.

“But did come to the conclusion that the downtown site long term and in the near term is the most fiscally beneficial option for the city,” one committee member told council.

The plan to build a new stadium did receive some positive feedback, but there were also some council members and some in the public that had some questions about the project.

“What is the lost revenue to the school district? Half our schools are falling apart,” one person told the council.

The City Council will vote on these options during their next Wednesday on December 18th. The Aqua Sox are contracted to play at Funko Field for the next two seasons.