
Around the Sound: Live like royalty at La Parisienne Bakery


SEATTLE — How would you like to be a King or Queen for the day? Well, La Parisienne Bakery in Seattle wants to give you that chance if you find a figurine in their galette this month!

La Parisienne is celebrating La Galette De Rois all month, think of it exactly as the French version of the King Cake tradition.

“The person who gets the figure wears the crown and is the King or Queen for the day,” Manager, Elise Morin said. “I think by doing these events, bringing food, and having Americans and people from around the world coming to the bakery and looking at French traditional cake, it’s one of our goals and people love it and try it all the time.

Figurines are imported from France and each one represents something you may see at the bakery. It’s all about attention to detail for Elise and her family running the bakery to keep French culture alive in Seattle.

“When people are eating the galette de Rois they’re full of joy sharing it with other people, and for some people, it’s new so they’re interested in trying something new and something different. The galette de Rois is French and is not something we usually see here in Seattle.” Morin said.

For more information on the baker check out their website.