BC farmer gives chicken killing lynx a lecture

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Northern BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA — Chris Paulson, a farmer in northern British Columbia, caught a lynx in his chicken coop after it killed two chickens by grabbing the wild animal by the scruff of his neck.

He lifted the lynx off the ground and carried him around, lecturing him about the damage he did with a gentle scolding.

Paulson told the CBC, “He just looked . . . a bit like [a kid] with its hand in the chocolate chip bag. So I kind of gave him a little lecture and then told him he shouldn’t come back.”

He found the lynx with feathers in his mouth and worried chickens scattered everywhere. The lynx was so focused on its next prey that Paulson reached down and picked it up like a house cat does with its kitten.

Paulson said he put the lynx in a dog kennel before relocating it “a bit further out in the bush.”

The lynx was so skinny that Paulson left the two chickens that he killed with the animal.