
Bellevue girl from anti-bullying video to address Bellevue School Board


The Bellevue 9-year-old whose anti-bullying video reached more than 13 million people on Facebook is taking her complaint to the Bellevue School Board on Tuesday.

Nasir Andrews says she was bulled all year at Ardmore Elementary School. The fourth grader and her parents are seeking help from the Bellevue School Board. Follow this link to read the original story.

Nasir's parents, Travis and Chantey Andrews, say they have been attempting to work with the school and district representatives about bullying at Ardmore Elementary. They say school administrators didn't do enough to stop the bullying and claim there is a culture that allows bullying at the school.

Nasir and her parents will ask the Bellevue School Board to take steps to protect students and train teachers and officials to help put an end to bullying.



KIRO 7's Facebook post about Nasir reached 34 million people and thousands of them commented on the post. Others sent letters to a post office box the family provided after her story went viral.

Some people vowed to support Nasir by attending the July 18 school board meeting. The school board meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. in Bellevue.

A 9-year-old Bellevue girl made this video after being bullied at school. >> kiro.tv/BellevueSchoolStory Today she's talking to the Bellevue School Board about an anti-bullying initiative. She's also sharing letters of support with Alison Grande, and she's putting together Nasir's full story for KIRO 7 News at 5 p.m. >> http://kiro.tv/LiveNews

Posted by KIRO 7 News on Tuesday, July 18, 2017