Bellevue Police officer to compete on The Amazing Race

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Bellevue Police Officer Seth Tyler is a contestant on Season 29 of The Amazing Race which premieres at 10 p.m. March 30th on KIRO 7.

KIRO 7 viewers know Tyler as the media spokesperson for Bellevue police. Soon they'll see another side of him as he races around the world.

"It's exciting but it also makes me a little nervous because I think I do a pretty good job of separating my work life from my personal life and this show has just thrown that all out the window and it's all going to be on the table, " said Officer Seth Tyler.

On this season of The Amazing Race, contestants don't get to pick their partners. Instead 22 strangers are paired up based on a competition at the starting line.

When Officer Tyler signed up he'd planned to compete with his brother who is a firefighter, then CBS called and asked if he'd be willing to do it on his own.

"This season I'm being paired up with a complete stranger, someone I've never met before. I don't know what their skills are, I don't know what their strengths are, I don’t know what their weaknesses are," he said.

The competition will span 36,000 miles, with stops in 17 cities in nine countries.

Tyler likes to travel and hopes his ability to navigate the world, communicate with people and his physical strength will make him a tough competitor.

He said working in a diverse city like Bellevue will also help him in the competition.

"You have people from all over the world in Bellevue, it's almost like a globe here in the city, " said Officer Tyler, "You have to know cultural customs, you have to know how to communicate with people verbally as well as non- verbally and language skills definitely helped in the race."

He already knows if he won. The show was shot last summer, but a confidentiality agreement keeps him from spilling too much, too soon.

The show premieres at 10 p.m. March 30th on KIRO 7.