
Best Washington schools and districts named for 2022

Kids in the classroom (mattn/WSOC)

The best Washington School Districts and schools have been ranked for 2022, according to niche.com.

Niche.com’s results ae based on a rigorous analysis of academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education, along with test scores, college data and ratings collected from millions of their users.

Multiple factors are considered for grading, including academics, teachers, culture and diversity, parent and student surveys, health and safety, resources and facilities, clubs, activities and sports.

The top five school districts in Washington, all with a grade of A+, are:

  1. Mercer Island (six schools, 4,496 students)
  2. Bellevue (31 schools, 21,672 students)
  3. Bainbridge Island (10 schools, 3,835 students)
  4. Lake Washington (56 schools, 31,851 students)
  5. Issaquah (28 schools, 21,358 students)

The next seven districts were all graded with an A:

  1. Northshore (37 schools, 23,915 students)
  2. Pullman (six schools, 2,797 students)
  3. University Place (8 schools, 5,759 students)
  4. Shoreline (19 schools, 10,223 students)
  5. Olympia (21 schools, 10,0057 students)
  6. Camas (15 schools, 7,616 students)
  7. Oakesdale (2 schools, 144 students)

Niche.com also ranked individual schools using the same methodology.

The top 10 public elementary schools in Washington are:

  1. Ella Baker (Lake Washington)
  2. Ordway (Bainbridge Island)
  3. Capt. Johnston Blakely (Bainbridge Island)
  4. Rachel Carson (Lake Washington)
  5. Albert Einstein (Lake Washington)
  6. Bear Creek (Northshore)
  7. West Mercer (Mercer Island)
  8. Cougar Ridge (Issaquah)
  9. Capt. Charles Wilkes (Bainbridge Island)
  10. Norman Rockwell (Lake Washington)

The top 10 public middle schools in Washington are:

  1. International (Bellevue)
  2. Woodward (Bainbridge Island)
  3. Odyssey (Bainbridge Island)
  4. Islander (Mercer Island)
  5. Narrows View (University Place)
  6. Evergreen (Lake Washington)
  7. Kirkland (Lake Washington)
  8. Rose Hill (Lake Washington)
  9. Sonoji Sakai (Bainbridge Island)
  10. Redmond (Lake Washington)

The top 10 public high schools in Washington are:

  1. Interlake (Bellevue)
  2. Newport (Bellevue)
  3. International (Bellevue)
  4. Bellevue (Bellevue)
  5. Mercer Island (Mercer Island)
  6. North Creek (Northshore)
  7. Eastlake (Lake Washington)
  8. Redmond (Lake Washington)
  9. Issaquah (Issaquah)
  10. Woodinville (Northshore)

The complete and searchable ranking of all schools and school districts in the country can be found at niche.com.