
Black bear charges at hiker in Ferry County, injuring her

Black Bear Animal Wildlife in Western North Carolina Mountains

FERRY COUNTY - — Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) says a woman and her dogs were charged by a black bear in Ferry County this weekend.

The incident happened Sunday near Mink Creek Road.

The woman told WDFW Officers that she was hiking on private property when her dogs got between two black bears.

She said one of the bears chased her dogs and then charged her.

WDFW says the hiker was taken to a hospital in Spokane to be treated for her injuries.

On Monday, WDFW Officers, with help from the Stevens/Ferry Counties Wildlife Specialist and houndsmen, located one of the bears and killed it.

Officers donated the black bear meat to the U.S. Air Force.

“In general, black bears avoid people, but they’re naturally curious animals,” WDFW said in a release.

“If a bear walks toward you, identify yourself as a human by standing up, waving your hands above your head, and talking in a low voice. Back away, avoiding direct eye contact. Don’t run from a bear.”

WDFW recommends making noise, leashing pets, and carrying bear spray while hiking.