Bothell High School closed Thursday due to safety concern

BOTHELL, Wash. — Bothell High School will be closed on Thursday due to a safety concern, according to a release from the Northshore School District to families.

In a message to families, Superintendent Michelle Reid said the high school community was notified of an anonymous “threat of violence” and was taking the matter seriously.

Reid said law enforcement was contacted and the safety concern is being investigated in conjunction with the Bothell Police Department and security staff.

On Wednesday, “we worked with the Bothell Police Department to increase their presence on campus today, including a full sweep of the campus this evening based on more threats of concern made on social media,” the message to families said.

“I want to directly address the individual(s) who wrote the threatening message and those who may know who did it. If this message was meant as a call for help, threatening anyone, let alone an entire school population is not the way. We have counselors and school staff ready to provide support as appropriate. The first step is coming forward. If there is an issue with anyone in the school, there are a number of avenues to resolve the issue. Our priority is to make sure everyone is safe. If it was meant as a joke, these types of threats are not a laughing matter and will be taken seriously. Your school community is counting on you to provide information immediately if you have it.”

Parents and guardians are being encouraged to speak with students about reporting the incident to police if they might know something.

On Thursday, students and staff will be able to work online, instead of in-person learning.