
Broken snow chains a major post-storm road hazard


As if the hazards of snow and ice weren’t hard enough, Western Washington drivers are now facing a new dangerous by-product of the last snowstorm.

Endless piles of broken tire chains now seem to litter every major road and interstate in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.

“We’ve had a lot of customers who’ve had their tires punctured by those chains on the road,” said Travis Wiseman of Renton’s Good Neighbor Tire Center.

Wiseman pointed out one customer’s car which was severely damaged by the owner’s own broken tire chains, which tore out part of the car’s fender and even the entire electrical wiring system.

“I couldn’t avoid hitting a pile of chains on my way to work," said David, a KIRO 7 News viewer, whose tire was flattened by the jagged steel debris.

“They had to order a new tire for my car,” he said.

A Washington State Department of Transportation spokesperson told KIRO 7 their crews do everything they can to remove debris from the roadway after storms.

“Right now, we’re still very busy keeping the roads clear of ice and snow,” she said.

Most tire chain manufacturers suggest not exceeding 30 mph when using the chains for traction. KIRO 7 found heaps of chains on every major freeway in King County.

WSDOT advises drivers to call 911 if they spot broken tire chains or other debris in lanes of traffic.