
Can’t pay your rent? Help available for some Snohomish County residents

EVERETT. Wash. — If you’re having trouble paying your rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic and live in Snohomish County, you may be eligible for help.

Applications are now being accepted for the county’s new Emergency Rental Assistance program. Residents may submit applications by calling 2-1-1.

The program was put in place to help prevent evictions by paying overdue, current, and future rent for eligible households.

The ERA is giving funds to those who have been affected by job loss or other factors due to the pandemic. Many people in Snohomish County could lose housing when the statewide eviction moratorium ends on June 30.

Though the funding will not be able to help everyone, it’s expected to make a significant difference to those who need it most.

To be eligible, households must have an income at or below 80% of area median income, experienced a financial hardship directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected their ability to pay rent, and are at risk of current housing instability or becoming homeless.  Funding requires the following:

  • Priority assistance for households at or below 50% area medium income;
  • Priority for households with one or more individuals who are unemployed and have been unemployed for 90 days before applying for assistance.

Snohomish County officials said community partners will coordinate with landlords and conduct outreach to eligible households.

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