
CDC: Frontline essential workers to be vaccinated next, including teachers

The Washington State Department of Health is looking to recommendations from the CDC and National Academy of Medicine, along with community input, as it decides who will get the vaccine in the next phase.

On Sunday the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices issued recommendations on who should get the COVID vaccine next. For Tier 1B they recommended people 75 years and older and frontline essential workers.

There are approximately 30 million people in that frontline essential workers list which includes:

First Responders (firefighters, police)

Education (teachers, support staff, daycare)

Food & Agriculture


Corrections workers

U.S. Postal Service workers

Public transit workers

Grocery store workers

It is expected to take until mid-January before they finish vaccinating at-risk health care workers and residents in long-term care facilities. Tier 1B would be next.

Seeing teachers on the list was welcome news for the Washington Education Association.

“We certainly think that’s good news, also recognizing so much is fluid. We don’t want to get our hopes up too high recognizing things could change,” said Larry Delaney. president of the Washington Education Association.

As local school districts announce plans to go back to in-person learning in January, the Washington Education Association says districts have some work to do, making sure it is safe.

“It is still incumbent upon school districts to ensure that what’s required by law and L and I is in place before any expansion of in-person learning,” he added.

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