
Central area seniors rejoice after receiving COVID vaccine

KING COUNTY, Wash. — On Thursday, hundreds of seniors in Seattle’s Central Area were vaccinated for COVID-19 at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church. The pop-up clinic organized by the Central Area Senior Center, Safeway and Albertsons, and the church vaccinated 400 seniors.

>> Washington averaging 28,000 COVID-19 vaccinations a day

They didn’t need to struggle for appointments online. Instead, they filled out paperwork in person.

It was a relief to Mary Hopkins. “I was going online and going in the paper, and going everywhere, and everything was so far away. I was so happy when they gave something close in the community I could go to and get my shot,” said Hopkins after she was vaccinated.

The state is focusing on pop-up clinics like the one today in the Central District to reach those most at risk from COVID-19 complications and deaths.

“So many African American people have died from COVID-19. It’s not just the elderly, but the generation behind them,” said Dian Ferguson, the director of the Central Area Senior Center.

At First AME Church, they had a room set aside where people could ask questions and learn about the vaccine. Seeing other community members getting vaccinated boosted confidence and understanding.

Pharmacists from Safeway and Albertsons administered the vaccine at the church. “It’s nice to come somewhere they feel familiar with and be able to get their vaccinations,” said Susan Tegart with Safeway and Albertsons.

“Our seniors need to know they can trust the people in this environment who invited them in to get the vaccine,” said Winona Hollins-Hauge, who is on the board of the senior center and helped coordinate the vaccination clinic.

Mass vaccination sites around the state are boosting vaccination rates. The state is averaging 28,000 vaccinations a day, twice as many as just two weeks ago, according to the Washington Department of Health. Gov. Jay Inslee says the state has the capacity, space and the vaccinators to reach his target of 45,000 vaccinations a day. He is hopeful we’ll see the vaccine supply increase soon.

While seniors were waiting during the observation period after the shot, they sang, “It’s okay to be safe again, tell Him what you want, It’s okay to have a COVID shot, tell Him what you want.”

All of the seniors have appointments to come back for a second dose.

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